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Design Brief

The challenge of this project was to create a poster, wayfinding, decal, and postcard for San Diego State's Open Studios annual event. This event showcases all the departments within the school of Art and Design.


For the solution, I created the Art North building into a retro inspired cartoon character. I also added other characters surrounding the building as well as a rainbow coming out the building. I also wanted to integrate the retro cartoon character into the Open Studios title for cohesiveness.



Bring Tha Noize

Bubble Bobble

Color PaletTe


Since the beginning process of this design, I knew I wanted to create collages mixed with illustrative work. I was highly inspired by illustrator, Hattie Stewart. I played with multiple compositions and imagery. The first two two are the first sketches created.  After some further thinking, I chose to simplify the composition which led me to the two sketches on the  bottom.

Open Studio Title

Final Variations

Final Composition

Final Deliverables

Other final deliverables consists of postcards, way finding, and decals. For the deliverables, I simplified the design but kept the eyes and the typeface the same to create unity.

Social Media Post

Since social media posts come in two formats, vertical and square, I created two ways the poster can be used. The vertical format has all the imagery incorporated minus the text. For the square composition, I condensed the poster while keeping a few elements for cohesiveness.

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